Monday, October 15, 2012

Spencer Hawes's Mullet Looks Like Poo Poo

Looks like Spencer Hawes is rocking something close to a mullet. So I guess he is all business in the front but only a really crappy party that only a few people showed up to in the back.  Time to man up Mr. Hawes, if you're going to rock a mullet you might as well do it all the way or not at all.  Maybe he's trying to appeal to his conservative fans, much like his tweets about Obama (which by the way must have been the worst basketball camp of all time considering that he talked about taxes & other areas of government). I think your conservative fan base is a little more hip than you might think, Spencer, if that's how you're going to have your hair... Who get a haircut like that and think they look good in it? No shortage of delusion the world, I guess.

Though, it is not without precedence that Spence does something questionable with his hair. Cool Space Needle, bro.

Shout out to @ronaldiscool for the suggestion!

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