Sunday, October 14, 2012

Arenas V.S. Gottfried: The Gilbert Files

Gilbert is a peculiar first name and two very different famous people share this name in Gilbert Gottfried and Gilbert Arenas. This naturally leads us in comparing these two and begs the questions: Who's your favorite Gilbert?


Height: 6'4''
Weight: 215lbs
Age: 30
Ethnicity: Cuban/African American
Hometown: Florida and L.A.
Nickname: "The Hibachi"
Penchant for "Poo Poo Shoe"
First paying job was NBA
Got in trouble on twitter because made fun of blind date
Father was an actor
Thinks he is funny, but makes questionable jokes
Likes guns a little too much
His cousins play football
Loves Halo, A "score booster"


Height: 5'5''
Weight: 135lbs
Age: 57
Ethnicity: Jewish
Hometown: Brooklyn
Nickname: "That guy with the annoying voice who squints a lot"
Famous for voice of cartoon birds (AFLAC duck, Iago)
Insult comic
Lived with mom until middle-aged
The obvious choice for the book on tape of 50 Shades of Gray

Had one bad year on SNL
Father owned a hardware store
Thinks he is funny, but makes questionable jokes

Leave me your vote in the comments! 

Arenas or Gottfired? free polls 

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