Sunday, August 19, 2012

Can You Canoe, Russell Westbrook?

Foot Locker is officially ON FIRE, NBA Jam style with three great commercials in a row with this one featuring Chris Bosh, Russell Westbrook, James Harden, and Kevin Love:

Funny stuff Foot Locker, but something doesn't ring true about this commercial as the last couple did. Chris Bosh would never ask what was up with the canoe or the yacht, he'd ask when it was his turn next knowing how goofy he is. How is Russell going to see without his signature glasses without lenses. I also feel like considering James Harden's last commercial he would be a little bit more care free about keeping his clothes dry. I guess that beard just must be really absorbent and difficult to get dry. Six years guys? Imagine if they spent the same amount of time working on their game as blowing up yachts. Guess you gotta get your priorities straight. But mostly, I am just surprised Chris Bosh already isn't splashing in the water. Totally unrealistic.

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